Understand your bank accounts in detail

Automatically categorize your bank transactions, keeping your finances organized from a single place.

Organize your transactions with customized categories, tailored to your level of detail.

Hill planetgastriktradivelPilatusMelia
Hill planetgastriktradivelPilatusMelia

Break down your expenses or income in detail

  • Categorize all your transactions to monitor each income stream in your business in detail.
  • Detect and manage unnecessary fees and charges immediately.
  • Save time by creating automatic rules to classify your transactions effortlessly.
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Categorizacion de gastos e ingresos

Evaluate the feasibility of your projects.

Create specific categories and subcategories for your business, without any limits

  • Organize your expenses by departments or projects to understand their origin and performance.
  • Monitor the impact of each project's expenses in real time and adjust them when necessary.
  • Split a transaction and assign it to multiple projects for comprehensive tracking.
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dashboards financieros

Create automatic categorization rules

Automate the categorization of your transactions by creating custom rules that are applied automatically, saving time and ensuring a more organized and accurate financial management.

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creación de reglas automáticas
Try it for free

Control every transaction, make decisions with confidence